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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D0104AAN], Article, National Phonograph Co, August 1901


Criticisms on the Edison Accumulator. 
A criticism of Edison's Iron-Nickel Accumulator, which makes the value of this invention rather doubtful, as given by Dr. Peters, in the Central for Akk. und Elementenkunde." 
He estimates that the certainly favorable statement of Kennelly there are necessary 9 ddm actice superficies in the Edison Accumulator, in our order to receive1 kg cell weight 30.85 killowatt hours. 
A Battery which should produce a certain amount of Electric energy must be double the size when Nickelsuperoxyde-Iron-Elements are used, or it must be according to the size of cells or according to their number, as though Leadsuperoxyde-Lead-Elements were used.
As a general rule they will have to enlarge the number of cells by traction batteries, as the Automobile Motor needs a certain width and the useful unloading space in the Edison Accumulator with 1,1 v is also half of the generally good tractions cells which amount 1995 to 1,97 V. It is very questionable whether it will be an easy matter to obtain double the room in the Automobile than was necessary thus far, without its occupying unnecessary dimensions. It is very doubtful whether any weight has been saved thus far through the new accumulator because the specific weight of nickel and iron is hardly 2/3 from that of lead (nickel 8,5 to 8,9 steel 7,6 to 7,8 Lead 11,37 and Leadsuperoxyde 7 round). Thus far all publications concerning the Edison Accumulator are very reticent as to its usefulness. Dr. Peters tests with remarks from Reed which he made in discussing Kenelly's speech make it appear very probable that the loading space will reach nearly 2 V., which is double of the unloading space. For this reason alone you could not count any more than 50 pGt. W.-St. round, beneficial effect, and even if the loading expense is not very high for automobile purposes, yet an advancement of about 20 pGt will be realized against the Lead-Accumulator, because the relief is made useless by the other mentioned benefits. Still more will the useful effect have to be brought down when the iron-oxyde will be reduced badly.
A revolution in the making of Accumulators, has not been caused by the Edison Apparatus, as it is wished for in the interest of the Automobile Industry
