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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D0111AAC], Letter from Vincent Van Marter Beede to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, February 1st, 1901


My dear Mrs. Edison
I beg you Will Erase from your mind, as I have long ago done from mine, the little misunderstanding concerning tutoring ratio. Do not think of sending on the amount. I am ashamed of my poor business methods. I should may made myself more clear. I do not want our cordial relation to be marred ever so slightly by a misunderstanding over money matters. I can honestly say that money was the very last consideration I took into account in all my trips to Glenmont. The affection of the dear children, and your own good will, have always been and are estimable compensation. 
I do hope that Charles enjoyed our little outing, which was not a very exciting one. I often think, however, that children enjoy the quiet pleasures than they do fireworks and strange sights. 
With love to the children, I remain yours most sincerely
Vincent Van M. Beede
6 Ellery Street
Cambridge Mass
February 1, 1901
