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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D0122AAB], Letter from Dyer Edmonds and Dyer, Samuel Owen Edmonds to Exhibition. Buffalo Pan-American (1901), W J Buchanan, June 5th, 1901


-June 5, 1901
W.J. Buchanan, Esq.,
Pan-American Exposition,
Buffalo, N.Y.
Dear Sir:-
We are informed by our client Mr. Edison that one Siegmund Lubin of Philadelphia is engaged in the exhibition of moving picture projecting apparatus, films, etc., at the Pan-American Exposition. Said apparatus, films, etc., are constructed and operated by said Lubin in infringement of Mr. Edison's patents Nos. 493,426 and 589,168, and in competition with the business carried on by Mr. Edison through the Edison Manufacturing Company, which concern also we represent. Suits are now pending in the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (October Sessions 1897) against said Lubin for his infringement proceed actively against any persons or concerns cooperating  with him in such infringement, either by affording him an opportunity to display his infringing apparatus or to use the same for the purpose of projecting moving pictures upon screens.
We call your attention to this fact in the hope that the infringement now being committed by Lubin at the Pan-American Exposition may be discontinued under your order. We should be loath to bring an action against the Pan-American Exposition in order to enforce respect for Mr. Edison's rights, but are prepared to take this step if it prove necessary.
Kindly inform us as to what is done in connection with the above, in order that we may be governed accordingly.
Yours truly,
