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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D0204AAJ], Letter from Willis N Stewart to Thomas Alva Edison, June 27th, 1902


62, Hackford Road,
Brixton, London, S. W.,
June 27 _ 1902.

Dear Mr. Edison:-

I have just returned from Elberfeld, Germany, and Belgium. I saw in Elberfeld Mr. Th. Book, who had a motor car battery (silver-cadmium) from Jungner about 18 mos. ago. The battery failed after 3 discharges, the silver going through the asbestos. I saw one cell. The electrodes were too closely packed in the vulcanite cell that it was impossible to remove them for examination on repair. The whole arrangement was mechanically crude and imperfect. Mr. Book is a Swede, and on account of his relations with the Jungner Co. does not care to make an affidavit,- but in case of legal proceedings in Germany will give evidence as to his experience. I could not find the electrician in Belgium who tried to repair this battery, but in case of necessity he can be produced in court. The Patent agent in Berlin gave me very little information and of course, it was not my place to ask it. I gather, however, that you will get patents on the iron - nickel cell and details of same. The Jungner Co. will claim that this is an infringement of their broad claims, and a law suit will result. If you then prove that Jungner never made a working silver-copper battery, or any other, you should win. This can be done, as my informant, Fritz Schmidt, of Stockholm, knows all the facts as to all batteries made and sent out, will make a full affidavit. All the batters made passed through his hands.
Mr. Rafn seems quite satisfied that the disclaimer attached to your English Patent will do no harm. On the other side, Jungner's attorneys say it is a great victory for them, and are they hardly expected to get. I think that your representatives did not make a good case and failed altogether to grasp the situation.
As an expression of purely personal opinion, which you may take for what it is worth, it seems to me that several of the young men on your side in both England and Germany draw very little water and have conceded too much. The Jungner people are employing the best legal and scientific patent to be had, and rely on the Favre decision to uphold their broad claims.
If you mine total you want Schmidt’s evidence I shall go on to Stockholm at once, as later he may get frightened. In the meantime, I am at your orders if you have anything for me to do. I presume Bergmann has not sent you other papers I left for copying.
Sincerely yours,
W. N. Stewart.

[Edison marginalia: Dick = I am afraid of Stewart of course & might pay to buy his information otherwise have no connection with him, This information might be handy in the future  E]
