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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D0327AAR], Letter from Pinkerton's National Detective Agency to Thomas Alva Edison, October 28th, 1903


Thos A. Edison, Esq.,
Edison Laboratory, 
West Orange, N.J.
Dear Sir:-
G.F. reports:
W. Orange, N.J., Tuesday, Oct. 27th, 1903
I arrived at the Edison works at 6:45 a.m. and took up watch on Lakeside Ave.
Shortly after my arrival at the gate I noticed three delegates on the corner of Lakeside Ave. and Valley Road. They made no attempt to stop or speak to any of the men employed in the works.
Shortly after 7 a.m. the delegates began patrolling up and down in front of the gate and stopped several men who came along the walk, but after the delegates left them they came to the gate house and applied for work as machinists. The gate man called Mr. Williams, who informed me that they had all the machinists they wanted at present, but if anything should turn up he would send for them, and took their names and addresses.
I had a long talk with Delegate Flannagan, who said he would go back to work at once, but he knew that Mr. Weber was "sour" on him and that he had no chance to get back. I told him that I thought I could fic it up for him to go to work, but I told him if he went back, that the first time he was caught talking to any of the men about the Union, he would be "turned down" at once. He said he was through with the Union.
After the delegates left the vicinity of the works I discontinued.
Yours truly,
Pinkerton's National Detective Agency,
by Robt A. Pinkerton
New York, 10/28/1903
