[D0330AAK], Letter from Pettes and Randall Co, William Frederick Pettes to John F Randolph, July 30th, 1903
<Marginalia: Answered Aug. 1/03> Letterhead of Pettes & Randall Co., New York, July 30, 1903 Thomas A. Edison, Labratory, Mr. Randolph, Manager, Orange, N. J. Dear Sir: Some days since our representative called on you and your representative said the American Watchman's Time detector was not in use as it seemed to be out of order. If you care to ship it to us by express we will overhaul it and put the clock in good order free of charge to you. We believe that if you let us furnish our Magneto stations to operate this clock, same as we do for all the new clocks we are now putting out, that you would have no trouble with crosses or grounds as each station generates its own power to operate the clock and the wires can be in much worse condition without cutting out the record. Our regular price for the magneto stations is $5.00 each but we will make you a special cost price of $3.00 each for them and if you order them at the time the clock is being overhauled we will arrange the electrical part of clock for the Magneto System and have our man come and put the magnetos and clock up. You to pay us by furnishing us with one of the Correspondence Phonographs with Motor for 110 Volt direct current all new and up to date complete. This will make The Watchman's clock system so that you will have no further trouble with it unless your wiring gets broken down. Hoping this will meet with your approval, we are Yours truly PETTES & RANDALL CO. W. F. Pettes TREAS & MANGR.