[D8546ZAC], Letter from Erastus Wiman to Thomas Alva Edison, August 7th, 1885
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- Title
- [D8546ZAC], Letter from Erastus Wiman to Thomas Alva Edison, August 7th, 1885
- Editor's Notes
- [LETTERHEAD: The Great North Western Telegraph Co. of Canada] Received "yours of August 6th," which proposed to assign Wiman one quarter of royalties if TAE could "put the Western Union way wire through this summer;" accepts "liberal offer;" promises to continue to work to accomplish this purpose; wonders if they should put TAE's device on the line from Toronto to Hamilton as a demonstration, though it might be unwise to apply for a patent in Canada prior to U.S. application; but could use company lines in U.S. as demonstration. Urges TAE to go see Dwight, Great Northern's general manager, about the using device in Canada. Wiman entertained Johnson and Coster at his house. Johnson said illuminating baseball grounds could be done for night games. "If this could be done we have a bonanza in the grounds at Staten Island and transportation to and from them beyond the dreams of avarice;" wishes TAE a pleasant vacation.
- Author
- Wiman, Erastus
- Recipient
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Date
- 1885-08-07
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- D8546-F
- Microfilm ID
- 78:586
- Document ID
- D8546ZAC
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 78
- Item sets
- [D8546-F] (D-85-46) Telegraph