[D8724AAE], Letter from Fernando Sanford to Thomas Alva Edison, August 15th, 1887


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[D8724AAE], Letter from Fernando Sanford to Thomas Alva Edison, August 15th, 1887

Editor's Notes

"In the course of some experiments which I have been making on electro-chemical equivalents, I have constructed a voltameter by which I can [---] use the work done by a dynamo current. It works by electrolysis and can be used with almost no excuse and scarcely any difficulty in manipulation. I have used it successfully with a dynamo current which is used for an arc light and with a current too feeble to deflect a tangent galvanometer. ## I do not know if such a voltameter would be of much use outside of the laboratory, and I write to ask if you will please tell me if it would be of sufficient importance in electrical engineering to pay me for taking out letter patent on it. ## I am a native of Illinois and a student here in Prof. Helmholtz' laboratory, and my financial condition will not justify me in investing money in something which is not pretty certain to bring me some return. ## By answering you will confer a great favor upon" Marginalia by TAE: "[-----] [-------] [--] [------] [--] [-] [----] the [---]"




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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