[D8805ACF], Letter from Everett Frazar to Thomas Alva Edison, April 18th, 1888
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- Title
- [D8805ACF], Letter from Everett Frazar to Thomas Alva Edison, April 18th, 1888
- Editor's Notes
- "I received your favor of March 30th and have to thank you for the kindly expressions contained therein in regard to our business with Japan and China with your good firm. I knew you would be pleased to receive the copies of correspondence in regard to the two Japanese (Niwas) from Nagoya. I feel confident that, after their arrival back in Japan, narrating their experience in this country, England and Germany, meeting our Mr. Lindsley in Yokohama, together with the good assistance of our friend, Prof. Fujioka, the result will be, in all probability, that we shall get an order for a plant for Nagoya. ### I fully reciprocate the expressions at the close of your letter and trust that our connection with the East may long continue. I have sent your original letter to Mr. Lindsley in Japan, for his perusal, with the request that it be sent to Mr. Wetmore in Shanghae I know they will be pleased to receive same. I must apologize for not making an earlier response to this letter, but pressure of business since its receipt must be my excuse. ### In conversation with Mr. Insull yesterday, we both concluded that our Japan business was increasing satisfactorily, and the Machine Works have received orders for a number of dynamos, armatures etc. of late. We expect more to follow. ### PHONOGRAPH. I shall be pleased to learn from you when we may expect to have the new phonograph ready for ship't to Japan and China, when I will send you an order for same. I will require 10 instruments for each place and would be glad to have same as soon as convenient. You suggested having three instruments, extra finsihed, with a small nickle plate placed on the outside,- Presented by Thomas A. Edison, Inventor, to H.E. Li-hung-chang; H.M. the King of Korea and H.M. the Emperor of Japan. These you suggested my sending out and having Messrs. Lindsley and Wetmore present to the above named dignitaries with your compliments. I would suggest their being sent along with the others-that for H.E. Li to accompany the 10 to China and those for H.M. the King of Korea and H.M. The Emperor of Japan, with those for Japan. ### My son, Everett, who is making very satisfactory progress in his 2nd year's course at Stevens Institute, is very desirous of availing of your very interesting weekly lectures to your workmen in your Laboratory. Would it be convenient for you to have Mr. Taite send to him (Everett W. Frazar, 81 High St.) a ticket admitting him to these lectures?
- Author
- Frazar, Everett
- Recipient
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Date
- 1888-04-18
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- D8805-F
- Microfilm ID
- 121:295
- Document ID
- D8805ACF
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 121