[D8805ADL], Letter from Caspar Frederick Goodrich to Thomas Alva Edison, June 5th, 1888


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[D8805ADL], Letter from Caspar Frederick Goodrich to Thomas Alva Edison, June 5th, 1888

Editor's Notes

"You are doubltess aware that there is annually formed at this Station a clas of Naval officers of various grades for instruction in Torpedo Work etc. ### From small electrical beginning touching the use of the galvanic current in firing torpedos, this course has gradually increased its scope until it now includes practically all of the applications of electricity to the purposes of the Naval Service. ### In the hope of making it as complete as the period at our disposal permits, I am led to ask you to come to Newport at any time during the months of June and July and talk to these officers for an hour or two on the subject of the incandescent lamp. ### The whole field being very wide. I am asking Professor Bell for a talk about telephones. Mr. Sprague for one about electric motors and Prof. Elihu Thomson for one about dynamos or electric distribution. ### I trust sincerely that my effort to increase the value of the instruction here by enlisting the aid of the highest authorities on electrical science will meet with encouragement from you and your distinguished colleagues mentioned above. ### If you think well of the scheme please come to Newport on any day of the term most convenient to you. I will of course pay your travelling expenses. ### Bring Mrs. Edison with you and be my guests during your stay here. ### Although entirely immaterial tome, I think your visit might prove most agreeable if you came some Friday and remained here till Monday. ### Should you prefer to discuss this matter before giving a definite answer I will come to New York for the purpose. ### I am of course aware of your reluctance to appear as a lecturer, but I hope this reluctance may be overcome in this case. Should it however be insuperable I beg you will kindly nominate a person to speak in your stead. ### Hoping for an early and a faborable response I am." Your very truly, C. Goodrich [Marginalia: "I never talk couldn't talke before audiences to save my life." E]




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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