[D8805AHQ1], Letter from James Dredge to Thomas Alva Edison, October 15th, 1888
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- Title
- [D8805AHQ1], Letter from James Dredge to Thomas Alva Edison, October 15th, 1888
- Editor's Notes
- "I am much interested in your letter sent to one by Mr. Osgood Wiley. What puzzled me chiefly in the phonograph discussion was the fact that you appeared to suppose that your patent in which you claim widening on a wax covered surface is in force-at least that was my impression-whereas I am informed that it has lapsed this non payment of [unclear] + that therefore the most you could do would be to invalidate the Tainter patents. What you say on the subject of these patents is very forcible and on the whole am taking Lambright into consideration. I withdraw what I said in my letter to Wiley. What bothers me is, what permanent market these very beautiful instrument can find. I mean how can they be employed commercially in a large scale. ### About the ore seperation. I have been in Paris, + have only seen Osgood Wiley once, he is very busy I believe with [unclear] just [unclear]. I have arranged with Newberry + Vantin, the gold deformation people + have the machine set up in the works. ### When it is at work, a representative of the owner of the principal French (Algerian) and Russian Magnetic deposits will come to see it. Meantime some 20 tons of the Algerian ore will be sent over to test the machine. About thefield of [unclear] of this seperation. ### Sweden offers nothing I believe can account of the great richness of the ore then (69 per cent average in the principal mine). France + Russia [unclear] important deposits, which we believe we can control; Italy, in Portugal I hear of a heap of 30,000 tons that can be acquired very cheaply but would it pay to treat as small a quanitity? Knowing that you are hopeful--or rather certain-of obtaining gold ore this way. I judged that Newberry + Vantin were the best people to go to; if this application works out, they could practically control the Australian market. Any from you may be [unclear] I will do my best, + will let you know how things go on. Have you thought of exhibiting the seperation at the Paris Exhb. Next year? ### As the machine will be here, the idea may be worth your consideration. Yours faithfully, James Dredge
- Author
- Dredge, James
- Recipient
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Date
- 1888-10-15
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- D8805-F
- Microfilm ID
- 121:559
- Document ID
- D8805AHQ1
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 121