[D8807ABC], Letter from Schuyler Skaats Wheeler to Alfred Ord Tate, May 28th, 1888


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[D8807ABC], Letter from Schuyler Skaats Wheeler to Alfred Ord Tate, May 28th, 1888

Editor's Notes

I have not received any photographs in accordance with your letter of the 31st instant, promising them "tomorrow." The Harper's Weekly goes to press tomorrow and owing to your failure to do as you wrote, as I relied upon you to do, I am unable to give them the views they want. They do very artistic work and do not care to use any views which have already been published by the other papers. It was for this reason and on account of the value of an article in that paper that I asked for original views. # I was given two photographs by your New York Office but they were not satisfactory as they had been published by almost everybody. # I have written to you twice and telegraphed once but have not received the photographs. Why is this? # Can you send them by special messenger tomorrow Tuesday morning direct to Harper Brothers, Franklin Square, if so they may be in time for this week.






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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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