[D8830AAT], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Thomas Alva Edison, June 1st, 1888
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- Title
- [D8830AAT], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Thomas Alva Edison, June 1st, 1888
- Editor's Notes
- ""It has been decided after careful consideration that the method of the Bureau's oporations shall be modified in order to meet the requirements of the existing contract between the Light Company and the various factories, and to avoid friction between the operations of the Bureau as a department of the Light Company, and the practical and experimental departmetns of the various factories. ### In the future the Bureau shall be conducted as follows: ### 1st. It shall be a receptacle of complaints and criticisms regarding the system, also a repository of useful information and material gathered in the search for better forms and methods. ### 2nd. To bring the accumulated inquiries, records and material illustrative of the progress and mode of the business, to the Light Company's office to be kept under the supervision of a Director. ### 3rd. To preserve intact the present personnel of the Bureau's membership, but to hold future meetings at the office of the Light Company instead of at the Laboratory. ### 4th. To gather complaints from practitioners, Engineering Departments and from Agents and the suggestions from special inspectors before the frequent meetings of the Bureau for full discussion. ### 5th. As a result of this discussion the Light Company will call upon the factories for such corrections of faulty apparatus as seen necessary, those corrections to be made subject to the examination of the Bureau resulting in the adoption of approved forms and methods as standards. ### 6th. In case entirely now forms are required which the factories are not prepared to originate, the Light Company will call upon Mr. Edison to create and submit them to the examination and adoption of the Bureau. ### 7th. The Bureau to co-operate with the Engineering Department in all possible ways and especially by inspection of the product of the factories, thereby maintaining the standards adopted; but this inspection shall be conducted in such a manner as to avoid friction. ### 8th. The expends of whatever assistance may be required by the Director, in the office and ofr the purpose of inspections as well as that incurred in the gathering of any special mateiral deemed necessary to the proper progress of the work thus outlined; to be borne by the Light Company, but no extraordinary expense to be incurred except first approved by its President." Yours very truly, Edwd H. Johnson, President [Marginalia: "Ok E."]
- Author
- Johnson, Edward Hibberd
- Recipient
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Date
- 1888-06-01
- Type
- Letter
- Subject
- Manufacturing
- Efficiency, scientific management, management theory
- Electrical distribution system
- Folder ID
- D8830-F
- Microfilm ID
- 123:37
- Document ID
- D8830AAT
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 123