[D8839ABK], Letter from Joseph Hutchinson to Alfred Ord Tate, June 29th, 1888


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[D8839ABK], Letter from Joseph Hutchinson to Alfred Ord Tate, June 29th, 1888

Editor's Notes

"As far as I can make out from going over the Spanish Colonial Co., papers, the contract existing between that Company and Mr. Edison must contain some provisions which transfer the entire business from Mr. Edison to Mr. Navarro, for you will notice in the new contract executed by Mr. Navarro and his associates, Navarro undertakes to turn over and assign to the proposed Company, "All the so-called Edison patents under the laws of Spain." If Mr. Edison had not parted with all his rights to Mr. Navarro, then Mr. Navarro could not undertake to turn them over. ### You will notice in the contract of February 9th, 1882, that the sixth clause provides that the stock held in trust by Mr. Lowery shall be divided on the first of April, 1883, unless prior to that time, the $50000.00 which it was intended to issue for cash, should have bene paid. The contract does not seem to provide for the contingency of the $5000.00 not being subscribed for and paid. ### I think you will find that Mr. Edison has turned over all his stock to Mr. Navarro. The failure to mention Mr. Edison's name, either in the contract with Navarro or the deed of trust of Coudert, seems to me a sufficient evidence of this. ### I think Mr. Lowery should have sent you the Spanish Colonial contract, as that is of more importance to Mr. Edison, as far as I can see, than the agreement which Lowery sent you." Yours truly, J. Hutchinson





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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