[D8845ADB], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Thomas Alva Edison, August 27th, 1888


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[D8845ADB], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to Thomas Alva Edison, August 27th, 1888

Editor's Notes

[from Chicago] "By today's express I send you a small box of ore, that I am told contains gold. I came across it while looking for iron ore, and in crushign it I noticed that where the metal in it seems to be mixed with some substance that is quite magnetic--so it occurred to me, that this ore-which exists in large quantities, and have never been brought onto the market, because of want of some process to work it cheaply--might be worked by your process--if there is anything in it please let me know--the samples I have sent to you [unclear] "Mr. Dickinson" Ore Milling Dept"--so it would get to the right dept. On the iron ore business I now know of every [unclear] pile in our territory and have the option all [unclear]--they go slow on I have to wait for director meeting and some of the parties that I have to see are away on vacation. Still I hope to close them up in a few days. I shall probably want Mr. Hussey in about a week, and will telegraph for him. I have sugested that it might be well for him to go to Feris Hall and to Chateaugay and see the plant now built for crushing and he then would be better prepared to design our plant:--When I last saw you I was under the impression that there was considerable more magnetite in our territory than I have found--at Vermillion lake and at [unclear] range I was told that magnetite could be found largely--and instead I find it in "hard ore" but not magnetic--and that the magnetic ore that the geological survey spoke of-has never been worked-so the only champ pile of any importance are those I reported upon and which contain from 1,500,000 to 2,00,000 ton of rock and ore and they all are within 10 miles of each other and three plants will handle that nicely. I am investigating machinry and expect to present all my information to you within a short time. I am disappointed in the progress I am making or have made on the option--bt they are something that I cannot rush and get what I want. I presume I am bothering you by writing at [unclear] but I wanted you to know that I have been at work with kindest regard to Mrs. Edison and yourself I am" Respectfully yours, W.S. Mallory "Enclose clipping in regard to concentrating work at Republic--do you think our fire produced #20--will have some trouble "under heat and had no coherence"?" [Marginalia: "Ack Aug 31/88"]




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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