[D8845AGM2], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to James Dredge, December 4th, 1888


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[D8845AGM2], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to James Dredge, December 4th, 1888

Editor's Notes

"A letter received today from Mr. Edison explains to me all the arrangements made with regard to the Ore-milling business, as represented by Mr. Wiley. ### In view of my present information I entirely concur with Mr. Edison's views as to the undesirability of making the exhibition at the Crystal Palace, as both you and I thought preferable in the first instance. I have always had just a little bit of doubt about the wisdom of having it there, for reasons which I now need not enter into; but from your strong expressions of approval of the arrangements proposed by me, I felt that they had better stand. ### Mr. Edison also explains the arrangements made with regard to Mr. Wiley's requirements for money, and we think that the account had better be kept entirely separate; so that in order to make a complete separation I will ask Mr. Wiley to obtain from you, and repay to me, the advance that I have made to him, provided I hear from you that that course is quite agreeable to you. ### With regard to tickets for the Society of Arts, as communicated to me by Mr. Wiley on your behalf, I only received the tickets the day of the lecture. Others had been sent me some time before; but had been mislaid. However, I think you are to be congratulated on having escaped an hour and three quarters talk from me." Believe me yours faithfully, G.E. Gouraud





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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