[D8848AAS], Letter from Franck Zeveley Maguire to Ezra Torrance Gilliland, March 28th, 1888
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- Title
- [D8848AAS], Letter from Franck Zeveley Maguire to Ezra Torrance Gilliland, March 28th, 1888
- Editor's Notes
- "I am not in receipt of any letter from you recently, but having some information of value I waive ceremony. ### I enclose you a copy of a letter received by me yesterday from Sumner Tainter, the constructor of the Graphophone, which has been one of the greatest surprises of the Phonograph-Graphophone controversy to me. I possibly told you that formerly we were great friends. This letter is th outgrowth of the interview in Sunday's Capital, and the paragraph that stated that "I could not understand why it was if the Graphophone people thought they had anythign of value in the invention they persisted in shoving Bell forward as the inventor, unless it was to sell stock" caught his eye. He is evidently being badly treated by his own crowd who are capable of such things as I long ago told him. The article has had a good effect here and the whole crowd outside of Tainter are very much incensed at it. ### A letter has been written you recently from Hon. J. Sterline Morton/ of Nebraska, so he states, desiring to make an arrangement for territory. Mr. Morton is a personal friend of mine. He is ex Governor of Nebraska and is one of the leading business men of the West. He is the principal attorny for the Burlington Railroad (C. B. & Q.) and is of the firm of Joy, Morton & Co. If you write to me that everyitng is in proper shape he will probably come over with me if it is agreeable to you. He knows all the railroad people of any consequence in th country and is a man of fine character and great executive ability and wealth. I would be glad if you would wire me to-morrow the condition of the machines and when you are to be ready without fail. ### I am still ready to go into that proposition to get a big block of Edison stock and you and I divide the commission. ### Now I be hanged if I write again until you answer this. With kind regards." Yours very truly, (Signed) Frank Z. Maguire
- Author
- Maguire, Franck Zeveley
- Recipient
- Gilliland, Ezra Torrance
- Date
- 1888-03-28
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- D8848-F
- Microfilm ID
- 124:303
- Document ID
- D8848AAS
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 124