[D8905AAW], Letter from Cornell University, Robert Henry Thurston to Thomas Alva Edison, February 3rd, 1889


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[D8905AAW], Letter from Cornell University, Robert Henry Thurston to Thomas Alva Edison, February 3rd, 1889

Editor's Notes

Yours of the 29th informing me of your having sent an order to Schenectady for a large dynamo for Sibley College is received. You are entitled to much more appreciative reply than my rhetoric is equal to; but you know, without any attempt at eloquence on my part, how fully we appreciate your kindness and especially your interest in our work.##If things go right, I am going to get a nice Edison station in Sibley College. I want it to represent your best appratus and methods. You were the first to lend a helping hand and a word of cheer in my effort to construct a good course and get together a good collection of illustrative and experimental apparatus, and, though all the companies and all the other electricians have been very kind and helpful, I feel especially grateful for your hearty and prompt action in setting a good example.##I shall be glad to have any suggestions about fitting up the dynamo rooms, wiring and getting in and distributing lamps in such manner as to make the Sibley College plant creditable to you. Every suggestion that you can find time to make will be carefully considered.##Your friends here--including my good wife--are continually asking if they are not to expect the pleasure of seeing you at Cornell. Ere many weeks the grass will be green again, and we willgive you either a quiet visit in our own home, and as undisturbed as you please; or we will welcome you t the Junior Ball or to festivities of Commencement week, later, when Mrs. Thurston will be glad to dance a measure with you, and I should esteem it a favor, though not a dancer, to lead Mrs. Edison through the "Lancers." You shall have a good time, in just your own way. Very sincerely yours R. H. Thurston##I congratulate you heartily on the provision of presevation of those patents. It has always seemed to me an outrage that a good patent should be the subject of legalized robbery through the accidents of operations of foreign patent systems. The last decision makes law gree with common sense. R.H.T.




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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