[D8905ADL], Letter from John Alfred Brashear to Thomas Alva Edison, May 24th, 1889
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- Title
- [D8905ADL], Letter from John Alfred Brashear to Thomas Alva Edison, May 24th, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- Telescopes Spectroscopesn Diffraction Grating Plates, And General Optical Apparatus. Allegheny, PA May 24 1889, Thomas A. Edison, My Dear Sir, It was with regret I learned last evening that your stay in our city was to be so limited as I had hopes you would do us the honor of paying a visit to the little "den" on the hill--and see what a nice little spot we have which I know would have been so much more congenial to your tastes than the Legal Air" of the dingy U.S court rooms. I went over yesterday afternoon hoping to see you, but as you were not in court I felt diffident in calling on you, as I presumed that whatever would keep you away from ourt wd be a sufficient reason for your desiring rest. I had a ard of invitation to you and your friends to make full use of the place and [means?] a Library of the Western Penna Engineers of which I happen to be the President, thinking it might be a pleasant rendevous--Personally I am in full sympathy [Next page torn at the top]: tion INVENTION--not with the [torn] [shrewdness?], STEALS BRAINS-- [torn] Mr. Westinghouse has always [torn] & me. I am in for EIGHT no [torn] may be in the [trans?]]. And I wont [torn] trust all will end well for you. [torn] a pleasant talk by Mr Clark at the Engineers Meeting on Tuesday Evening on the Phonograph. Ill send you a report of the meeting as soon as it comes from the Printer. By the way I made one of your original phonographs the year you published it and presented it to a poor blind musician who I believe still has it in his possession. Mr Clark gave me a broken cylinder--which I hope to study at an early day. I have some work in hands for you and you should have had it [sue this but?]--I have been detained by the "slicers" the quartz having been prepared some time since. Mr. Cable alled here last evening and told us you expeccted to return to our city some time soon. I think you will and of course every thing "on the hill" is at your command I am very cordially yours, J.A Bashear [Name mentions: John Bashear Thos Edison George westinghouse Jr Mr. Clark Mr. Cable Library of Western Pennsylvania Engineers ]
- Author
- Brashear, John Alfred
- Recipient
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Mentioned
- Westinghouse, George, Jr
- Date
- 1889-05-24
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- D8905-F
- Microfilm ID
- 125:246
- Document ID
- D8905ADL
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 125