[D8905AFJ], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Samuel Insull, August 23rd, 1889
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- Title
- [D8905AFJ], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Samuel Insull, August 23rd, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- I confirm my cablegram to you of yesterday as follows: ## "Stevens entirely unauthorized unprepare do anything. Unless immediate action taken in Boston to place foreign business in competent hands one year will be entirely lost. Want you to try initiate negotiations with Dick who can act quickly when arrangement made." Edison ## Mr Edison is very much disappointed that Mr. Stevens came wholly unprepared to start active operations over here. We all thought that when he arrived decided steps would be taken to secure the coming Christmas trade. If you can do anything towards inaugurating a more ative police in Boston Mr. Edison wants you to take the math up and get them to make some arrangement with Dick, who is not only well posted on the foreign business but who is the only available medium through which the trade of this year can be secured. ## My cablegrams have kept you acquainted with the situation here. I have not written you much lately, first because you are thoroughly posted and secondly because I have been rushed at a tremendous pace since Mr. Edison's arrival. In addition to the numerous engagements I have to keep with him I have to tackle a correspondence involving nearly one hundred letters per day, and, nearly all of which require to be replied to. Add to this the fact that they are written in French (I have a French stenographer) and that it take twice as long as correspondence in English, and you can size up the situation. ## People here say that nothing has ever equalled the reception which has been given Mr. Edison by representative bodies of the French nation. On the 4th sept the Minister of Commerce Mons. Tirard, gives him a dinner, and on the 9th he is to be entertained in the same way by the city of Paris (Hotel de Ville) ## I think it quite possible that Mr. Edison will go to England but will advise you more definitely later on. ## Either today or tomorrow I will address you another letter on the subject of the Phonograph. I have seen nothing of the Seligman party lately and that affair rests as explained in my last cablegram--They stated they were unauthorized to negotiate for anything other that the purchase outright of the phono interests,. Gouraud and Edison declined. I hope you enjoyed your drive with Eaton. You must have needed a rest.[PS] I will see that you get those compensations from Gourad re Mexico
- Author
- Tate, Alfred Ord
- Recipient
- Insull, Samuel
- Date
- 1889-08-23
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- D8905-F
- Microfilm ID
- 125:327
- Document ID
- D8905AFJ
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 125