[D8933AAW], Letter from Henry Buck Auchincloss to Alfred Ord Tate, March 13th, 1889
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- Title
- [D8933AAW], Letter from Henry Buck Auchincloss to Alfred Ord Tate, March 13th, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- My dear Mr. Tate####Your [--------] into a/c which [------- --- ----] a little.####I don’t know what an AMPERE is--but think they [GRANPERE?] of a bill & shall be glad to see you tomorrow at the Laboratory and have you explain it.####My [----- -----] of the matter was that I was to pay a certain proportion of an [-------] expenses, stated as Engineer wages, coal, toil, and that the [-------] was based on the number of [lights?]--I [reeived? ---- --- ---] Mr. Edison 300, Mr Burke 250 myself 100--in all 650. When the phonograph factory, or tool so many light I was congratulating myself that my share would be a mere bagatelle, especially as something was said about the proportion being adjusted according to the distance.####From your remark, it would appear that the rate is meant to approximate the actual cost according to the light used at so much an hour equal to [---] at 150 [per m?]####And [Thomson?] that the basis on which you are now calculating in [---] that of proportion, as stated above, but actual consumption or their[------].####Here is where the puzzle comes in. The quantities give as consumption in July, Augt & sept, when my home was shut up, are exactly the same as those for April May & June, when the family and servants were burning their electric lights for all they were worth. It was a [new? Real} toy.#### The sum total is quite serious, my expenses per light for a series of years averaging about $12.5 per an. I can not say at the moment exactly how much, but I have [----] figure at home.####Please telephone me in the morning, as I would like to see you about this.####The result is not what I expected, not of couse if that is my share for each year I shall [make in prompt?] but must devise some way of reducing my consumption in future of that KIND of light.####Yours Truly###Henry B. Auchincloss####[name mentions: Thos Edison, A.O Tate, Henry Auchincloss, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Burke]
- Author
- Auchincloss, Henry Buck
- Recipient
- Tate, Alfred Ord
- Mentioned
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Date
- 1889-03-13
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- D8933-F
- Microfilm ID
- 126:36
- Document ID
- D8933AAW
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 126