[D8937AAH], Report from William Dennis Marks to Edison Electric Light Co of Philadelphia, April 15th, 1889
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- Title
- [D8937AAH], Report from William Dennis Marks to Edison Electric Light Co of Philadelphia, April 15th, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- Since the starting of the Station on Match 5th last it has run without serious accident or break down, but many details that should long since have been completed have been delayed by reason of delays occuring in the Edison Shop and Lamp Works. However, much to be regretted these delays are I am constantly met by the assertion that they are doing their utmost and that these works have been erected in a much briefer space of time than any before attempted, although the largest capacity of any ever yet built.####I shall not relax my efforts to get the last detail here and the Station completed promptly.#####The illness of the Representatives of the Edison Machine Works who has charge of the repairs for one year from March 5th, 1889 under a guarantee for that time has prevented the prompt correction of faults in our underground system that I could have wished. But I trust that with his return I shall be able to push this work as rapidly as the City authorities will permit us. We are much delayed by the necessity of getting a permit signed for each hole that is dug and are frequently further embarrassed by the temporary absence of the City Officials by whom permits must be signed and by the constant hostility of the Director of Public Works, who does not scruple to avail himself of every possible means of hidnering and delaying our work, abusing his powers under Councils for this purpose.####The Penn Co has recently received a notification that after repairs to a large number of streets in our Districct have been made by the City no further permits will be granted for opening those streets. As to his power to enforce this decree I shall have to refer you to our Counsel. The Director has, from the outset defended his course on the ground of protecting the interests of the City Gas Works. It is a consolation, to know that we have enough conductors underground to carry 50,000 lights, and to hope that the Directors of this Company having during two years exhausted every effort of courtesy and pateince may find some stronger means of urging their just claims for consideration for a beneficient enterprise, than unavailing submission and attempts to conciliate, should the necessity arise for further extension of their Street system or permits for connections to customers be refused. We have place our system of electrical conductors underground in obedience to the edicts of City Councils, and can demand their protection,####In accordance with your Resolution of Mach 19th--####"That the Supervising Engineer be requested to furnish the Board with an estimate of the cost of laying tubes on Arch St. from Broad to Third St. with the necessary connections with the present system of tubing,* I would say:####That our only practicable method is to lay heavy mains on Arch St from 15th to 3rd Sts. With connecting mains on all cross streets from Market to Arch, and submit the following estimate.####------13,200 ft., costing $25,000. approximately####In response to your second Resolution:---####"That the Supervising Engineer be authorized if in his opinion advisable to extend the tubing on 13th. St. from Market to Arch St."I would say:####That this Company has now pending a contract for lighting the Masonic Temple which, if closed, will at once demand that this tubing be laid.####Our President also suggests the possibility of lighting the Church on the Corner of Broad and Arch. Unfortunately, Church lighting, save for Catholic Churches, is the poorest lighting we have, as Protestant Churhes are open for short periods but one or two nights in the week, and for the Church alone, the tubing would be an unprofitable investment.####The gross amount of wages paid during a month has been stated the Board in a previous Report.####The Electric Lighting so far obtained is larger than in the case of any other Edison Company, and the Motor field promises to be exceedingly large.####We have had some complaints of lowering of lights at the Union League due to the accidental short circuits in our System, and in some measure to the bad arrangement of wires in the building. I deem our success with them so important that I have placed a special Inspector at the Club House from 6 to 11 P.M. with instruction to instantly report and remedy all defects appearing before the matters of running Station has settled to a steady regimen.####Sawyer and Mills of 218 S. 3rd St. are now using with great success a 10 H.P Motor to run 15 Printing Presses and we hope to have many more subscribers. I hae directed our General Agent to make contracts for one year where he finds it impossible to sell on the meter system. As it does not appear wise to obligate this Company to a fixed contract for a longer period and we now desire to introduce light and power as best we may for our start.####I append a careful report of lights and motors prepared by our General Agent. [Reports are attached - four page: chart of Report of Applications, Services Made, Light and Power Connected and services, Wiring and General Information]####In accordance with your authorization I have closed a contract with the Armington & Sims Engine Co. for two more Engines deliverable next September at $3700 each.####The Abenroth & Root Enfg. Co. inform me that they are willing to close a contract for three more boilers at the same price as the first three $15398.75####The Edison Machine Works claim to have lost money on the first eight Dynamos at $3200 each and fix the price at $4250. After consultation with our President an offer of $4000. was made to them, but they insist upon the list price of $4250. I append their letter and ask your further advices starting that all their statements are correct. [typed copy continues with D8937AAI Insull and EMW to Marks, dated 12 April 1889 with Marks to EMW following]
- Author
- Marks, William Dennis
- Recipient
- Edison Electric Light Co of Philadelphia
- Date
- 1889-04-15
- Type
- Report
- Folder ID
- D8937-F
- Microfilm ID
- 126:356
- Document ID
- D8937AAH
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 126