[D8937AAS1], Letter from Edison General Electric Co, William Dennis Marks to Thomas Alva Edison, July 25th, 1889
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- Title
- [D8937AAS1], Letter from Edison General Electric Co, William Dennis Marks to Thomas Alva Edison, July 25th, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- [TAE marg: "Marks--Would like to see a Rough Estimate about Storage battery I have never yet been able to learn of a 1000 horsepower of storage that can be bought up cheap as 1000 hp of boiler Engine & Dynamo, Edison"] ## Herewith enclosed I hand you clipping from the "Philadelphia Record," giving reporters version of the recent news of the Edison Electric Light Company.####I have assurances from the most influential members of the City Council that every facility shall be granted me in placing stations in the outlying districts.####The double 'bus bar system of Philadelphia station affords special facilities for running a part of the machinery at a high potential.####I have the belief that a plain lead plate battery will prove durable and economical as compared with the paste batteries, and that by using it fivve storage stations can be established at radial distances of 1 1/2 mile, thus enabling me to coer the City of Philadelphia, as shown by the red lines on the map herewith enclosed.####I have already brought this matter to your attention. I would like to add that once a storage battery of moderate durability obtained, these storage stations can be run with a minimum of expense for attandance,--four men covering the staff.####I would also like to add that just at present the amount of money awaiting investment in Philadelphia is beyond precedent.####It seems as though any body of men having any pretension to standing in the Community have only to form a Company, and the general public would come to the front and subscribe until the stock-books were exhausted.####My long residence in Philadelphia, encourages me to believe that through proper persons such a scheme as this could be carried through.####Soliciting in behalf of my suggestion your careful consideration, I am,####Most truly yours,####Wm D Marks, Engineer-in-Chief.####[name mentions: Thos Edison, Edison Elecctric Light Co of Philadelphia, W.D Marks, Edison General Electric Co]
- Recipient
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Mentioned
- Edison Electric Light Co of Philadelphia
- Date
- 1889-07-25
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- D8937-F
- Microfilm ID
- 126:382
- Document ID
- D8937AAS1
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 126