[D8937AAX], Report from William Dennis Marks to Edison Electric Light Co of Philadelphia, December 18th, 1889
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- Title
- [D8937AAX], Report from William Dennis Marks to Edison Electric Light Co of Philadelphia, December 18th, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- Philadelphia, Dec. 18th, 1889 To the President and the Board of Directors of the Edison Electric Light Co. of Philadelphia Gentlemen:-- concerning the increase in lighting I am pleased to report as follows.##Week ending Dec. 14th, 1889, lamps connected 22727--16 c. 202 and 1-24th H.P equialent to 25151--16 c. Applied for 33438--16 c. 308 1-12th H.P equialent 37135--16 c.##The vvery important matter of insurance inspection of electric light wiring has come up and several conferences have been held at which were present Messrs Whiting, Sec'y. of Board of Underwriters of Philadelphia. Messrs. DeCamp & Law of the Electrical Trust, Mr. Chistian, representative of a small arc light company, in the northern part of this city and myself.####As you will see from my appended letter, I was satisfied of the justice of a small payment by this Company of 1 cent per light for annual reinspection and was willing to collect 6 2/3 cents per light for the first inspection of wiring from wiremen but as this Company does not do any house wiring and makes no profit from it, I do not deem it necessary or propor that any considerable sum should be annually paid directly from this company's treasury for work of re-inspection of house wiring or that any arrangement save that temporarily necessary to tide ove any immediate opposition from the Board of Underwriters should be effected.##I append for your information.##(1) My own letter to Sec'y of Board of Underwriters.##(2) Gen'l. letter to Companies of Phila. From Mr. Whiting Sec'y. of Board of Underwiters.##(3) Telegram from F.S. Gorton, of Chicago, Edison Co.##(4) Letter from C.L. Edgar, Manager of Edison Co. of Boston.##(5)Telegram from J.F. Beggs, Manager of Edison Co. of New York.##As you will see from my statement, this ompany has now the great majority of the electric lighting of Philadelphia. It ought not to pay a cent more than the necessary salary of such inspectors as are required to meet temporarily the salaries of special electrical inspectors and that too only for a short term of year.##I would request therefore of the Board that a Committee be appointed to meet a similar committee of the Board of Underwriters, that any arrangement that is effected by most carefully considered with regard to its ultimate effect and be reduced to writing. I am, Very respectfully and truly yours. Wm D. Marks, Sup. Engr. & Gen'l. Mang'r.####(No. 1), Dec. 2nd, P.W Whiting, Sec'y.####Phila. Fire Underwriters Association.####138 South 4th St. Phila.####Dear Sir:--####Referring to Committee meeting concerning insurance inspection of this afternoon, I would say that this Company especially desires a thorough and competent inspection of all its wiring at the hands of independent and reliable inspectors and therefore will be pleased to do all in its power to assist to this end.####I would be pleased to recommend to our Board of Directors the following arrangement.####Fee for incandescent lights $1.00 for 15 lamps, the same to be collected of the wiring firm by us, we to deliver the certificate and collect the money, for every first inspection turning the same ever to you.####Fee for annual inspection thereafter $1.00 per hundred lamps, on delivery of certificate of inspection to be paid by this Co.####Total amount of inspection net to exceed $3500.00 per year, without special arrangement. Isolated inspection to be credited to inspection account. This Co. to bear its due proportion of cost of total inspection arc lights at 80 cts. Incandescent lights at 6 2.3d cents each.####Surplus or deficiency to be divided amongst parties inspected in proportion to payments made for inspection. This arrangement to be tentative and to be subject to modification should equity seem to demand a change.####Very respectfully, Wm. D. Marks., Sup. Engr. & Gen'l. Mangr.####Phila. Decmr. 7, 1889: (No. 2 copy)####Edison Electric Light Company####927 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.####Gentlemen:-- I am instructed to communicate with your Company in relation to the subect of an inspection Department for dynamos, electric lights and wires, to also include motors. The Electric Light Companies, the public, and the insurance interests demand that this work shall be superised and occasionally inspected by an independent inspection department, and the extent of the work is such that the burden of expense cannot be borne entirely by the insurance interests. We have recently called a meeting of the electric light companies at this office for the purpose of consulting in regard to this work, and the result of this interview has been that the principal companies in the city have suggested that a contribution be made by the lighting companies to the Udnerwriters of 80 cts. Per arc lamp annually, and 6 2/3 cts. Per incandescent lamp annually. ON this basis--all of the Light Companies contributing--it would give a fund of about $3800.00. It is proposed to use this money in paying the salaries of one Chief Inspector and one assistant at the beginning, who are to examine and report on any new installations, and if approved, a Certifiate will be given to the Light Company, stating to them that the insurance department approves the work without prejudice to the insurance. Re-inspection will be made following this first examination, reports of which wil be furnished to the Light Companies.####We ask that you bring this subject before your Company, with the request that the contribution as suggested be made, with the understanding that it is to be paid quarterly in advance, the contribution to be based on the number of lamps in use at the beginning of that quarter. If at the end of the year, any surplus exists in this fund, a pro-rata rebate will be made to the subscribers.####Kindly advise us of your intention in regard to this subject as soon as possible, for it is desired to put the Department at work immediately. The Inspection Department is looked upon as being of mutual benefit for all parties concerned, and it is very desirable that it shall be thoroughly organized.####Very truly, P.W Whiting, Secretary####(No. 3, copytelegram)####Dec. 17th, 1889 Chicago, Ill.####W.D. Marks, Edison Electric Lt. Co. 908 Sansaom St.####have no arrangement with Underwriters City inspection severe enough to satisfy them.####F.S. Gorton.--####(NO.4 copy)####Boston, Mass. Dec. 16th, 1889.####My dear Prof. Marks,####Your telegram received. We have had considerable trouble with the Underwriters in reference to paying for their inspection. We paid them Eight Hundred dollars last year and they wanted to raise us to Two Thousand, but we compromised on Thirteen Hundred. They receive a like amount from the Boston Electric Light Co. All other concerns who do any wiring have to pay for the inspection of each individual job. Of course, we do all our work subject to their inspection, and in general do everything in harmony with the,####Yours very truly, C.L. Edgar, General Manager####Wm. D. Marks, Gen. Mangr.####Edison Elec. Lt. Co. Philadelphia, Penna.####(No.5 J.I.Beggs Wel)####[name mentions: Charles Leavitt Edgar, Frank S. Gorton, Edison Electric Light Co of Philadelphia, William Dennis Marks, Thos Edison, Board of Underwriters, Mr. Chistian, Messrs. Whiting, Messrs. Camp and Law of the Electrical Trust, J.F Beggs, Edison Co. of New York, C.L Edgar, Boston Electric Light Co., P.W Whiting, Inspection Department]
- Author
- Marks, William Dennis
- Recipient
- Edison Electric Light Co of Philadelphia
- Date
- 1889-12-18
- Type
- Report
- Folder ID
- D8937-F
- Microfilm ID
- 126:390
- Document ID
- D8937AAX
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 126