[D8940AAF], Cost Estimate, Leonard and Izard, January 1st, 1889


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[D8940AAF], Cost Estimate, Leonard and Izard, January 1st, 1889

Editor's Notes

[Enclosure: Exhibit E: Figures from propositions on incandescent plant received by City of Lyons, Iowa from Thomson-Houston Alternating, F. W. Jenny Alternating, Westinghouse Alternating, and Edison. Edison is much higher estimate. Note that in letter enclosing this and other documents from Leonard and Izard to Insull (D8940AAA) that they note "The Edison Company will find that unless it secures great prestige by favorable decisions in the Courts and until such time, it will be necessary to present figures within 10% of the figures presented by the Westinghouse, United States, Fort Wayne Jenney & Thomson-Houston in order to secure a contract. Lyons was rather a favorable case, the distances not being very extreme. We presume we are safe in saying that in the average practice the Edison bid for small cash central station which is the best field in incandescent lighting if properly worked, is fully 30% higher than the bid of the Westinghouse, Thomson-Houston, United States and Fort Wayne Jenny. In small plants our competitors, if the Edison Manufacturers statements be correct, must lose money, but they seem to be willing to do this for the sake of the [lamp] renewal profits.



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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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