[D8968AAV], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to Charles Batchelor, December 18th, 1889
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- Title
- [D8968AAV], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to Charles Batchelor, December 18th, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- Mr. Batchelor: Would it not be the proper caper to form a Fire Dept. in the Laboratory in case of a conflagration. At the present time if there was a fire the employees would be paralyzed with fear & there would be a rushing here & there with an indiscriminate mixing up which would produce an uncontrollable confusion.##How would it do to have every one in the Laboratory assigned to certain duties in the want of a fire. The hose being put on the proper rollers with one man to attach to hydrant one man at nozzle whilst others had sealing ladders & the requisite implements in case a fire should occur at night time. Gongs could be placed in certain parts of the Laboratory where they could be heard by all the employees. Twice a week you could sound these alarms, which should signify fire only, & every man in the building should spring to his station & go through certain manouvres as if he was attacking a real fine. In a short time you could establish an amount of discipline that would inspire a desire on the part of the men to excel in their respective duties when a real emergency has to be [onet?]. A man might also be delegated to see that the water in the hydrants did not freeze during the winter months.##Mr. Edison might, in his own discretion, offer a little prize to the man who excels in the discipline thus giving a stimulous to better efforts on any occasion.##How would a fire be managed should it occur at night time when all the employees are at home. Could it not be arranged that some of the leading men could be communicated with almost instantly: Every winter this disciplined force calling itself the Edison Fire Dept. could have a little hoe down in one of the Orange Halls & the boys could whip her up for all sh's worth.##Every one should be asked to offer suggestions for the better equipment of the brigade Dec. 18th 1889, Mac
- Recipient
- Batchelor, Charles
- Date
- 1889-12-18
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- D8968-F
- Microfilm ID
- 128:376
- Document ID
- D8968AAV
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 128