[D8970ACA], Letter from Weyher and Richemond, A Weyher to Thomas Alva Edison, December 9th, 1889


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[D8970ACA], Letter from Weyher and Richemond, A Weyher to Thomas Alva Edison, December 9th, 1889

Editor's Notes

[This letter is in French, with translation]:#### Translation.####Pantin, 9th December, 1889.####Thomas A. Edison,####Dear Sir:--####We take pleasure in expressing to you the great pleasure that your beautiful portrait, with its amiable dedication, has caused us, and we thank you very cordially for this gift, which will be for us a precious souvenir of the honor we have had in entering into personal relation with you.####Complete working drawing of the machines have gone by the packet boat "La Bourgogne," and we hope that you will have them very shortly.####The models of the 150 h.p. engine have been sent last week, 4th December; they will go by the first bout.####Accept, Sir, the expression of our sentiments, very distinguished and devoted.####(Signed) A. Weyher####OVER.####POSTSCCRIPT.####We regret very much not being able to change the direction of the movement of the engine, as you wish, this being the reason: The direction is such that the oblique pressure of the crank presses the head of the piston upon the bottom of the slide. In the other direction, on the contrary, this price would necessarily rub upon the sides of the slide where the rubbing surface is much more slender. As to the augmentation of speed, we do not dare to state that it could take place without inconvenience but you will be free to try it yourself if you judge it desirable. The direction of the governor lends itself very readily either in augmenting the force of the spings or diminishing the weight of the masses.####[name mentions: Thos Edison, Weyher & Richemond, A Weyher]




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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