[D9235AAJ], Letter from R D Casterline to Thomas Alva Edison, December 9th, 1892
Texas[?] Penn Dec 9th 1892 Received Dec 10 1892 Ans’d Dec 12/92 Mr. Thos A. Edison, Orange, N.J. Dear Sir:- Since last reporting I have been prospecting all through the lower part of Lancaster + Chester Co visiting all the old workings and ranging the country between. The serpentine barrens show good magnetic iron in some places, but in scattered quantities. The main subject of the “barrens” has been chromic iron and magnesite and some sodaspar for pottery purposes. A thorough search of the ridges along the course of the streams cutting the hills and expressing underlying strata, failed several any ore in quantity sufficient to warrant concentrations. I shall now move my attention to other reported occurrences of Magnetic Ore in the northern part of the Co in the hope of better success. Yours very respectfully R.D. Casterline [TAE Marginalia] Please return to Eurus where Elliot has leased properties + make a magnetic survey of the whole of the ranges leased. Lines 100 feet apart+ deflections every 10 feet _ mapthem + send here as possible E