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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D9238AAT], Letter from Richard Lynch Garner to Thomas Alva Edison, November 4th, 1892


Mr. Thos. A. Edison: Dear Sir: From this letter you can see that I am in the land of the gorilla. Mr. Edison, I have thus far failed to procure either Phonograph, or graphophone. And I thus obliged to omit one of the very much important features of my work. It is to long a story to begin by letter but the phonograph people in England have acted even worse with me than in America. Is it possible for me to secure one or any terms within reach of my means? I cannot understand why they should strive so hard to through my efforts as a new and lucrative market for for phonograph would be the certain result of my success with it here. Every cylinder recorded here would be studied all over the civilized world by philologists, linguists and students of [1 legible word]. I should have had over made in England if I could have had a diaphragm, but I could not find workmen who were willing to undertake it only as experimental work or heavy cost. The remainder could et done very cheaply. If I had the machines 600 or 800 house of battery I could record the whole coast of Africa from Café Palmas tot eh Congo Land many of these natives together are interesting and valuable as the speech of apes. I hope to leave here in January – a letter there will find me . I wish you’d write me if there is a chance. Give no news out to the press. There is some very fine bamboo here but I presume you had tried it . Yours truly, [Signed: Richard Lynch Garner] P.S. – Will you kindly give me your opinion as to the safety of my cage from lighting, when charged and when not charged with electricity. We have terrific lighting there now. Also advise me to the danger of my rifle in ..[Leave for editor] Signed: RL
