[D9247AAB], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to William S Logue, September 13th, 1892
Edison Phonoplex System of Telegraphy Diagram of connections on opposite side of this sheet. Orange, N. J. September 13, 1892. W. S. Logue, Esq., Edison Manufacturing Co., New York. Dear Sir:- The enclosed correspondence from the Pennsylvania R. R. Co. relative to trouble experienced on Phonoplex circuit between Jersey City and the General office in Philadelphia, was received here this morning, having been forwarded from Twenty-third St. Please give it your attention. Yours truly, Thomas Maguire A. O. T. Will start on this work on Friday morning, instruments needed will not be ready before that time. About 2 or 3 days. W. S. Logue Pennsylvania Railroad Company, New York Division Office of the Division Operator Jersey City, September 10th, 1892. Thos. A. Edison, Esq., 110 East 23rd. St. NY., Dear Sir:- Please note the enclosed reference from Divn.Opr. Fondersmith, relative to the Phonoplex circuit between J.City, and the General Office in Philada. Won’t you be kind enough to have Mr. Logue go over this circuit, and see what the trouble is, and if possible put the thing in good working order. Yours truly, (?) Divn. Opr. “JR” Philada 9/7/92 H. Fondersmith. Division Operator, Dear Sir:- We use our Phonoplex just as much as possible, but for a long while there has been more or less trouble on it, and at times it goes up entirely, so that we must depend upon #6 wire. Jersey City is aware of this fact. Aug 25th Mr. Logue was here and changed Wedge and Cord on “Phone” stating he would return again to see what Improvement it made, but as yet he has not arrived. Since then it has been working somewhat firmer, although there is still some trouble which interferes with us at intervals. Resp’y Your’s M. J. Laughey [Marginalia] We see note can not Logue put in order or say what the trouble really is 9/8