[D9248AAE], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, February 12th, 1892
Letterhead of Law Offices of Eaton & Lewis [TAE Marginalia] OK E 44 Broad Street (Edison Building) New York Feb. 12/92. Thomas A. Edison, Esq., Orange, N.J. Dear Sir:- Re full set of electrical patents for Laboratory. I have sent you by express another installment of the set of electrical patents. This installment consists of thirteen volumes, Nos. 76 to 88 inclusive. These bring your set up to June 30th, 1890. The volumes containing the next years patents will be bound in a short time, and sent to you as soon as ready. Trusting the above will be satisfactory, I remain Very truly yours, S. B. Eaton <RECEIVED FEB 15 1892 Ans’d Feby 19 - 1892> [TAE Marginalia]