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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D9248AAP], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to John F Randolph, 1892


Letterhead of The Western Union Telegraph Company. 
THOS. T. ECKERT, General Manager. NORVIN GREEN, President. 
Receiver’s No. 
Time Filed. 
Check. Elect. Light 
SEND the following message, subject to the terms on back thereof, which are thereby agreed to. 
To AO Tate 
Ask Gladstone what is the lowest price he says for caustic soda & what & of pure soda it contains & who is the maker
Johnny Randolph 
See [illegible text] & have him daily to me all news & results of the low volt lamp which reach as low as 55 volts & lower also if Harris has succeeded in making good enough 
How is John Ott getting along with [any?] [illegible text] 
<filament experiment>
