[FB004AAF] Letter, June 1889
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- Title
- [FB004AAF] Letter, June 1889
- Editor's Notes
- I am just having a splendid time. We are down here in the Province of Lorraine for a week or ten days. It is one of the most [inshonical?] Provinces of France. I do believe I have seen more since we left Paris than I have all the time put together that we were in Paris. We have been to Orleans where Joan of Arc lived, also to many of the [Chartelans? Charlemagnes?] We have still much to see down here, however today is Sunday and we are taking a rest so I though I would write you a short letter but perhaps you do not care to here from me. I have almost begun to think so because you never answer my letters but I hope to find a letter from you awaiting me on my return to Paris telling me that you were too busy to write or some excuse so that I may know that you would have written if you could. Yesterday we drove out to the sweetest little nursery, it was devoted to the education of young girls, it of course was a great novelty to me as I don't remember ever being a nursery even at home. The [mountains around?] here are simply magnificent. If one knows the history of [-----?] they really have ? I almost [call of the custom?] of France. Every place I have visited I have bought a little {picture?] of and I am going to circle on the back all of the interesting points connected with it. I have found it necessary in this little travelling that I have done to do this as one is so apt to get everything mixed up. I am really ashamed of this since I came that I have almost forgotten how to write. I hop you are all well at home. I wish you would give me a commission to buy some clothes for Meleine, the girls have the prettiest kind of a dress for Margaret and I think baby aught to have one just as nice. I suppose though you be over as soon that you will be able to get every thing yourself. I do hope you're well, come over. I know you will like it here, you must now judge France by Paris, so I am safe in saying that you will have a good time. Give my love to dear Papa & all the rest at home write me soon and tell me every thing. With ever so much love and a good night kiss, Lovingly, Marion
- Supplied year and month
- Author
- Edison, Marion Estelle
- Recipient
- Edison, Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.)
- Date
- 1889-06-00
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- FB006-F
- Microfilm ID
- 161:111
- Document ID
- FB004AAF
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 161