[LB007482], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Sherburne Blake Eaton, June 16th, 1882
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- Title
- [LB007482], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Sherburne Blake Eaton, June 16th, 1882
- Editor's Notes
- Your memo [13th] inst. I suppose we will have to use Dickerson in the Swan Case and I would have [Roth?] in it if possible as well. It would be a good idea to have Mr. Lowrey in it as well [or] will his services in the case be [end ease?] so to speak## My account with the European Co were [rendered] as to a certain date what you and [-] do is to make an analysis of [the Alps]. If it were simply [entering] an account from my books he could delegate that to someone else as it is it must wait till he himself can get at it which will be early next week he expects.##I think 20% stock & [5?]% cash would be fair terms to ask of Shaw for Railroad.## I think we should get ready to sue both Swan & [Maxim] & immediately Swan starts up [go] for him. When we have [be---] him we can [--] better fight [maxim] as [--] prestige gained by [--] defeat of Swan will material[ily] help us in the maxim case. I found however that if maxim co go on at the present rate they will beat [Johnson]##I think you should [---] terms with Spencer Yuask & Cos Albany [parties] (graves) for [albany] right away some what on the basis of the Stager Contract & arrange for him to have an option on the other Cities [--] to be exercised by a certain [---] How does this strike you. I think separate cos for each place should be formed.##Your memo 14.th inst. I still think it will be time enough to [---] a contract with [messrs] when he presents a lamp which [in] my opinion will work. An arc lamp & may possibly [--] something that will [--- --- --- --- --- --- ---] an unknown quantity he might claim that the curent [sold] [---] accounted for in the profit.##Dyer is working up a [--] on secondary Battries##I certainly think that Clarke should begin his preliminary work on the second district. It will enable us to keep our men busy.##I should say have nothing to do with [A---] patent. [To say] water in a Dynamo is equivalent to saying the Dynamo is a failure.## As to Rick's letter probably the commutator blocks have started up. The reason why [most] lamps broke at the works is that the candle power [it] [---] there than at the other end owing to the fact that thread [would be] a considerably [c---] [---] motive force at the [---] it would show that the candle power at the [-- --- ---] All that is [---] is to [---] in a little resistance [--- --- ---] thus reduce the electro motive force & the breakages will cease##Johnson will be home in ten days and he can tell you a good deal about gas engines I do not know of one here that would suit the chicago people.##Please order another 8 x 10 Armington engine for one: If you will kindly hurry the engine [up] I will [return] it a favor##As to the bid to the Penn. R. R. people I think five of our lights well distributed will give better satisfaction than one arc light.##I note what you say about Paines brother. The former is a smart one I hope the latter is the same.##I think it is rather too early to give Mr. [--orne] a list of houses to be first lighted up about a week before we [---] up will be quite time enough Drexel morgan & Co who [have] already got their Service in and now being wired are [a---] to have the Light first##I most certainly [Heanle] should be recognized in Canada. He has stuck with the thing since 1878.##As to the Lamp [asboune] [spoke] to you about it is got up by a man in Elizabeth. His idea is ridiculous##I think something might be said in the Bulletin about the [numerous] processes in connection with our system being in the hands of the Coy's official##Give the [customs] memo from Clarke back to him, tell him to read a little more and he will find he is entirely mistaken that the average power of the arc light with the globe on is 250 candles & I can show him [fifty] different tests by gas experts & others to this affect. The best affect obtained on the [Thames] [embankment] [London] with the Jablochkoff Candle was 140 candles [afternoon light]
- Author
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Recipient
- Eaton, Sherburne Blake
- Date
- 1882-06-16
- Type
- Letter
- Subject
- Financial operations (companies and organizations)
- Patent infringement
- Contracts and other legal concerns
- Engines, boilers, prime movers
- Electric traction
- Incandescent lamp
- Folder ID
- LB007-F
- Microfilm ID
- 80:620
- Document ID
- LB007482
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 80
- Item sets
- [LB007-F] LB-007 (1881-1882)