[LB008119], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Theodore Puskas, March 29th, 1881


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[LB008119], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Theodore Puskas, March 29th, 1881

Editor's Notes

I should be glad if you would go to a good patent Lawyer in Paris and get opinion on following point: Is the Gramme patent valid in France in view of the machine of Paccinoti published in the 19 vol of an Italian publication called "Il Nuevo Cemento" to be found in one of the great libraries of Paris It is also found partly translated in Schellens late work on the Electric Light published in German. Paccinoti's machine seems to be a perfect facsimile of Grammes as far as teh principle is concerned. I supppose "Armenguard" would be a good person to examine. Regarding Lighting at the Exposition get all the smallest rooms of any picture galleries. We cannot conveniently light up the Palais Royal or Grand Hotel from the Exposition. It is too far away. I think it will be better to make to machines one for the Palais Royal and the other for the Exposition. Can you get work through under the permit. I shall probably send the Quadruplex, Electric Pen, PHonograph, Telephone, Tasimeter, Automatic Fac Simile Telegraph, and other things.





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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