[LB011164], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, January 27th, 1882


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[LB011164], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, January 27th, 1882

Editor's Notes

For fear you might not have got the hang of my explanations as to amperes in relation to the Bidwell argument I give you below another analogy which has just crossed my mind:##If you take say an one ohm internal resistance Daniel cell it will give one ampere. If you put 125 of them in series there will still be one ampere but 125 volts and you know an ampere is that current which passes in one ohm resistance under a pressure of one volt. Now if we short circuit one cell you have a pressure of one volt on one ohm and hence one ampere. If you pout 125 in series you will have 125 volts and also 125 ohms hence there will be only one ampere in the circuit because you added resistance. If one cell having one ohm internal resistance was placed in the circuit having another ohm you would have two ohms and as you have but one volt and two ohms you would have only half an ampere. But if you cut out the ohm and put in another cell you would have one ampere not half an ampere. If you multiple arc 125 batteries you will have 125 amperes because one does not affect the resistane of the other.




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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