[LB018313], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Electric Light Co, Edward Hibberd Johnson, September 4th, 1884


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[LB018313], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Electric Light Co, Edward Hibberd Johnson, September 4th, 1884

Editor's Notes

Referring to the annexed letter from Shamokin, Mr. Batcheldor informs me that he has answered your inquiries about dynamos.##With relation to Engines, the 14 1/2 x 13 engine was shipped to Shamokin yesterday from Providence. They require, in addition to this, a new regulator and driving pulley for one of the small engines, to enable them to drive from both sides of the engine. I am in communication with Messrs. Armington & Sims with relation to this matter, and will do all I can to hurry the shipment forward. I will be in Providence on Sunday and will personally look into the matter.




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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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