[LB020049], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Chester Smith Lyman, January 18th, 1885
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- Title
- [LB020049], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Chester Smith Lyman, January 18th, 1885
- Editor's Notes
- “Referring to your favor of the 12th. inst., I would state that I am now confining my efforts entirely to Laboratory work and have comparatively little to do with the active management of our Electric Light business. I have no vacancies in my Laboratory at the present time, and, even if I had, the class of work that your son would have to perform in it would by no means prepare him for the business of Electrical Engineering. In fact, I think that laboratory work has exactly the opposite effect upon a young man, and is rather a drawback to him. With relation to the probabilities of there being vacancies on the Engineering Staff of the Edison Electric Light Companies, all I can say is that, owing to the general dull state of trade, the electric light business is naturally very dull also, so that our Companies have as much as they can do to take care of the old members of their staff. If any considerable improvement should take place in business, I imaging there would probably be openings for young men, such as you say you young son is, and if, when he desires a position, there should be a vacancy, it will afford me very great pleasure in doing what I can to getting for him. I may mention that at first he would not receive any salary, as of course his services would be of no great value until he was familiar with our business, but, as his knowledge increased, and his services to the Company became valuable, he would of course be paid accordingly.”
- Author
- Edison, Thomas Alva
- Recipient
- Lyman, Chester Smith
- Mentioned
- Edison Electric Light Co
- Date
- 1885-01-18
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- LB020-F
- Microfilm ID
- 83:46
- Document ID
- LB020049
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 83
- Item sets
- [LB020-F] LB-020 (1884-1885)