[LB021390], Letter from Samuel Insull to Ezra Torrance Gilliland, March 13th, 1886
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- Title
- [LB021390], Letter from Samuel Insull to Ezra Torrance Gilliland, March 13th, 1886
- Editor's Notes
- Yours of March 7th came to hand Wednesday. I regret very much that you have received nothing at all from New York. I have written you several times, my first letter having been dispatched a day or so after my return from the wedding. ##Randolph informs me that he has already sent you Park & Telford's bill. I send you duplicate, however, herewith, in case first copies sent you have miscarried. The letter press and copying books will go forward to you by the next Mallory steamer which will be about Tuesday or Wednesay next. I enclose you herewith copy of B/S for the organ, also B/S for paints and the third B/S is for some of the pictures that Toppan{?} ordered for you. The balance of the pictures will I think be shipped Tuesday or by next steamer. ##I regret to hear that there is such a dearth of music down at Fort Myers. I wish I could manage to put you in communication with the Casino, as Pauline Hall is simply surpassing herself in the Gipsy Aaron{?}--but there! I will not tell you anymore about it, else you may want to come back to New York! ##I keep pushing the Shipping Agents with relation to the insurance. So far, I can get nothing from them except promises. If they follow their last promise, I shall get the check about the 18th and I shall then pay into the Bank of the Metropolis your share of the insurance, and pay off the bills immediately--you can rely on my doing this. ##Railway Telegraph seems to be going along very well. The experiments on the {---} St. Paul R.R. are coming out successfully and there will be a Press Exhibition between Chicago and Milwaukee on Monday next, at the expense of the Railroad Company and not at the expence of the Railway Telegraph Company{?}. ##I sold 140 shares of stock for Edison at $25 the other day. I am going to try and sell some more for him and have raised my price to $30. Whether I will get this is another question, as it takes two people to make a sale. ##Edison wired me from Palatka that he had asked you to send key of safe where the stock is. This was in reply to a request I sent him to send me sufficient stock to enable me to make the delivery. ##The phonoplex is working very well indeed. The two circuits on the B&O wires are now completed. These circuits are in New York City. The {---------} of the Company has given instructions for another circuit to be placed between Baltimore and Harper's Ferry (a distance of 95 miles) and is going to send a man with Tate and Bossart (John Tomlinson calls these two illustrious experts "Paul" and "Virginia"!) to get posted so that they can put their own circuits up in the future. ##I don't know that there is anything more to say to you just at the moment. I have been very sick the last two weeks with rheumatism and but for the kindness of Tate in taking this letter, I should have to remain silent for some days further until my joints become eased up a little.
- Author
- Insull, Samuel
- Recipient
- Gilliland, Ezra Torrance
- Mentioned
- Bank of the Metropolis
- Park and Tilford
- Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul Railway
- Randolph, John F
- Date
- 1886-03-13
- Type
- Letter
- Subject
- Music
- Property
- Stocks, bonds, and investments
- Loans
- Telegraph
- Multiple telegraphy (duplex, quadruplex)
- Folder ID
- LB021-F
- Microfilm ID
- 83:470
- Document ID
- LB021390
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 83
- Item sets
- [LB021-F] LB-021 (1885-1886)