[LB034359], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Joseph Boss Stewart, December 2nd, 1889
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- Title
- [LB034359], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Joseph Boss Stewart, December 2nd, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- I have your letter of 29th instant, in regard to circular which you have received from the Edison Manufacturing Company, and which was forwarded to you by myself. The new battery which we are putting out is one recently perfected by Mr. Edison. We call it the "Edison Lalande." Mr. Edison commenced experiments on a primary battery for the purpose of getting a good reliable cell to run the phonograph. When he had completed his experiments he found that he had a cell which would not only do the work required of it in connection with the phonograph, but was perfect, as compared with all other open and closed circuit cells, that he determined to extend its use, and I am starting the business now. I enclose herewith a circular letter which has been addressed to the various electrical supply houses throughout the United States, through which it is our intention to market these cells to a certain extent. This will give you all the data you require, excepting prices, and these I can quote for you as soon as I know the size of cell that you want to use. In operating your phantom block circuits, you would of course use those cells on a coil, and they are exactly what you want. I sent some of our cells to Baltimore, to work the phonoplex on one of [Mr?] Seleden's circuits. They were installed on the 20th of August last [and?] have been working ever since. The great advantage which they possess is that the internal resistance is extremely low (.025), and remains constant during the whole life of the battery. The work which you require to be done is practically open circuit work and there is no battery in the market which can do it as well as ours. I think you would want [unclear] ampere hour cells, but I can tell better when I know what coils you are going to use and the resistance of the primary. By the way, Mr. Edison has given us a new coil for the phonoplex, which enables us to double up our circuits. We made a test the other day from Harrisburg to Jersey City, distance 200 miles, with seven offices in the circuit, and obtained perfect results. Logue is now in Harrisburg making a series of tests, and I anticipate being able to run over 200 miles. Logue has just come in and reports on his tests in Harrisburg. He operated a circuit from Harrisburg to Pittsburg, a distance of 362 miles. There were intermediate offices on this circuit, as we had no condensers west of Harrisburg, but the result shows us that we can now handle circuits double the length of these that that we were formerly able to operate successfully. Upon opening my mail this morning I find a report from the B. & O. people on the cells referred to above. I enclose herewith copies of the same for your information. Yours very truly, A.O. Tate
- Author
- Tate, Alfred Ord
- Recipient
- Stewart, Joseph Boss
- Date
- 1889-12-02
- Type
- Letter
- Subject
- Sales and service
- Phonoplex and railroad telegraphy
- Electric battery
- Cables, feeders, and other exterior elements
- Cylinder phonograph
- Folder ID
- LB034-F
- Microfilm ID
- 139:1039
- Document ID
- LB034359
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 139
- Item sets
- [LB034-F] LB-034 (Nov-Dec 1889)