[LB036345A], Letter from Everett Frazar to Alfred Ord Tate, A MacGruthar, January 24th, 1889
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- Title
- [LB036345A], Letter from Everett Frazar to Alfred Ord Tate, A MacGruthar, January 24th, 1889
- Editor's Notes
- Dear Sirs:- Confirming Mr. Magnire's conversation with your Mr. MacGruthar of this morning, in regard to phonographs for Shanghae, I beg to quote the following extract from a letter rec'd. from Mr. Frazar under date 24th instant, the same having already been perused by Mr. MacGruthar:- "PHONOGRAPHS FOR SHANGHAE. The two to be sent by the C. P. R routes were received and forwarded on the 22nd instant. The other two for Shanghae, intended to be sent a little later on via Suez Canal, I now desire you to ship tomorrow, as the S.S. "Glengyle" clears on Monday, the 27th instant. I enclose herein shipping order for 6 or less packages, intended to cover this order. Please mark same in accordance with my letter to you and see that they are alongside the "Glengyle" at Pier 29 (New No., E. R. ) not later than tomorrow, Saturday afternoon. Please request your delivering agent to have the gross weights and measurements placed on the back of the receipt, handing same to this office as soon as delivered." Yours truly, A. O. Tate P.S. The shipping receipt referred to in above extract, was handed to MR. MacGruthar
- Author
- Frazar, Everett
- Date
- 1889-01-24
- Type
- Letter
- Folder ID
- LB036-F
- Microfilm ID
- 140:350
- Document ID
- LB036345A
- Publisher
- Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
- License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 140
- Item sets
- [LB036-F] LB-036 (Jan 1890)