[LB038325], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, March 13th, 1890
March 13th, 1892 Mr. A. MacGruther, Edison Phonograph Works, Orange, New Jersey. Dear Sir:- I enclose herewith a letter received from Everett Frazer, Esq., under date of 8th inst., in regard to presentation Phonographs for various officials in China, Japan and Korea , with directions for plates to be put on each instrument. Will you kindly go ahead, and have these plate prepared in accordance with Mr. Frazer's directions, and have the four Phonographs (Motor) packed ready for shipment, advising us when they are ready, and we will send you shipping directions. Include with each of the above Phonographs, sufficient extra material to make them good for one year's use, also fifty blank Phonograms and twenty musical records such as you have. You will receive from the factory at Silver Lake, four complete batteries are to accompany these Phonographs. Mr. Frazar desires you to include with each Phonograph, a number of illustrative and instruction pamphlets I have written Mr. Frazer, that it is impossible to ship the machines in question this week, and you need take no notice of his instructions, regarding their delivery at Pier 5 North River. After you are through with Mr. Frazar's Letter, kindly return it to me. Very truly yours, A.O. Tate Private Secretary Make two two packages, two phonos and two batteries in each pkge A.O.T.