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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB038329], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Alva Edison, March 13th, 1890


March 13, 1890
My dear Mr. Edison,-
I enclose herewith a list of all the experiments for which detailed bills have been prepared, with the headings left blank, to be filled in after your return.
Yours very truly,
A.O. Tate
Thomas A. Edison, Esq.,
Charlotte, N. C. List of Experimental Accounts for which Detailed Bills have been prepared to January 1st. 1890.
Multiple Dynamo. ----------$10753.79.
Telephone Battery. -------------174.99.
Insulation Experiment. -----------------17043.68.
Converter Experiment. -----------15.23.
Series Switch. ----------------88.93.
Cheap Dynamo. -----------33.00
Balancing Box. ------------215.26.
Dynamo Experiment. -----------------364.85.
Effect of Magnetism on Nervous System. -------24.95.
Electro Medical Treatment. -----------760.43.
Scale for Determining Location of Feeder Mains.------362.11.
Machine for Duplicating Musical Cylinders.--------1296.61.
Quartz Balls. -------------------244.81.
Half Size Phonograph. ----------1097.41.
Cylinders with Plaster Paris Centres. ------294.35. 
Six Magnet Dipping Compasses and Tripods.------211.33.
Rubber Hose Clamps. --------------18.65.
T.A.E. Toy Phonograph. ------------4855.68.
Tools for Mailing Cylinders. ---------1942.44.
Motor Orange Street Car Rail Road.--------10498.40.
Phonograph Experiment. ----------------11138.60.
Pressure Indicator. ---------------------1942.90.
Magnetic Pendulum. ----------------1005.46.
Physiological Experiment. ------------------114.02.
Magnet Experiment. ---------------------327.16.
Sprague Motor Experiment. --------------67.03.
Small Motors for Sewing Machines. -----------152.59.
Alternating Experiment. ------------------452.95.
New Battery Experiment. --------------15.71. Amount Forward .                $65713.61.
Telephone Experiment. ------------193.86.
Sulphide Silver Experiment. -------------83.19.
Prospecting Instrument for Iron Ore. -------------233.19.
Copper and Nickel Ore Experiment.---------------2497.11.
Chloride of Lead. --------------------8.96.
Cylinder Box. ---------------------18.35.
Induction on Glass. -----------------202.57.
Effect of Tinning & Standing upon Conduction of Wires. 4.66.
Effect Development of Hydrogen upon Steel.--------.32.
Telephone with Hinge Transmitter.---------8.67.
Insulation Test for Mr. Insull. ---------------------6.19.
Small Motor.----------------48.98.
Arc Light Experiment. -------------------83.10.
New Body No. 3 Toy Phonograph. ---------------550.85.
Alteration Sprague Motor Style 6. --------------------597.85.
Twelve Moulds for Toy Phonograph.------------73.87.
Wrought Iron Experiment.--------------------364.22.
Professor Barker. -------------------------------124.87.
Storage Battery. ------------------------------188.01.
Carrying Power of Conductors.------------1075.30.
Three Transformers Orange Street Car Railroad.  587.34.
Special Cylinders. -----------------271.35.
Cut Out Experiment. -------------------480.79.
Motograph Experiment.--------------1517.84.
Etheric Force Experiment.-------------861.45.
Electric Drill.---------------------822.52.
Phonograph Order of Mr. McDonald. --------------182.48.
Fire Proof Wood. ------------------------36.36.
Small Ampere Meter. ---------------------26.20.
Municipal Lamp Cut Out. ---------------8.16. Amount Forward $ 76942.39.
Thompson Vacuum Experiment.----------13.56.
Volt Motor Experiment.-----------209.21.
Circuit Breaker. ---------------42.33.
C.P. Zinc. ----------------1015.68.
Insulating Test on Bonsilate.----------------38.54.
Electric Water.---------------------10.68.
Two Hard Rubber Shells. ---------------8.67.
Tools For Crayon [Press?]. -------------62.51.
Photometer Experiment. ------------------28.24.
Calculating Ampere Meter. -------------20.50.
Insulation of Gutta Percha. ---------------2.50.
Vulcanite Solvent. --------------------12.95.
Resistance of Wires at Different Temperatures.-------165.06.
Experiment on Mains. ------------------817.20.
Cabinet for MR. Lippincott.-------------67.12.
Electric Car Brake. -------------------1207.86.
Transformer Experiment.------------------4509.67.
Electric Plating. ---------------------------4926.84.
Turbine for Phonograph. -----------------1378.15.
Mould for Phonograph Cylinders. ---------1710.98
Construction Orange Street Car Rail Road. --------4338.21.
Automatic Machine for Dipping Cylinders.-----620.13.
Toy Phonograph Experiment.------610.64.
New Street Car Motor Experiment. --------414.17.
Respirator for Mr. Livor.-------------9.85.
Anvil Experiment. -------------------172.78.
Primary Batteries. ------------265.68.
Magnetic Bridge Experiment. -------------78.16.
Automatic Regulator for Dynamo. ---------------34.87.
Tools for Toy Phonograph. -------------------5140.83. Amount Forward. 104916.39
Oxydizing Iron Wire. ---------- 93.24.
Press for Moulding Toy Phonograph Cylinders.--- 1374.27.
Magnetic Induction Balance. -------------- 141.96.
