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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB038420], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Francis Robbins Upton, March 19th, 1890


March 19, 90
Francis R. Upton, Esq.,
Edison Lamp Company,
Harrison, N.J.
Dear Sir:-
In regard to the accounts of the Paris Exposition. As you are aware, a great deal of work was done in the Laboratory, preparing certain of Mr. Edison's inventions for this exhibit. As I understand it, all those directly interested in the Edison exhibit at Paris, pooled the total expenses connected therewith, and divided it up equally. Our expenses outside of the phonograph exhibit have not gone into this pool. Shall I send the bill for them to you, and if not, to whom I should send it?
Yours truly,
A.O. Tate
Private Secretary
