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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB038452], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Sherburne Blake Eaton, March 20th, 1890


March 20, 1890
Major S.B. Eaton,
No. 120 Broadway,
New York City
Dear Sir:-
Referring to two letters which I wrote you under date 17th instant, in regard to Col. Gouraud's account, the Edison Phonograph Works have this morning handed me two of Col. Gouraud's original orders which should have been enclosed with my communications above referred to. They relate to items in the Gouraud account as follows:-
Invoice, Nov. 6th, 1889-------$118.28
Enclosed please find Col. Gouraud's original order No. 115m under date Sept. 21st, 1889, covering this shipmet.
Invoice, Oct. 26th, 1889------$44.30
Please find enclosed Col. Gouraud's original order No. 264 under date Oct. 9th 1889, and postal card signed by J. Lewis Young, Col. Gouraud's Manager, not dated by him, but bearing London Post Office stamp Oct. 10, 1889 and New York P.O. stamp Oct. 20, 1889, which together with the last mentioned order covers shipment referred to in this invoice. 
Yours very truly,
Thos. A. Edison
