[LB039400A], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Butler, New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, April 9th, 1890
April 9, 1890 Messrs Eaton & Lewis, No. 120 Broadway, New York, Dear Sirs:- In compliance with your letter of 7th instant, I enclose herewith Mr. Edison's check for $250, to the order of Georges D'Inferville,'s retainer in the case of WELCH versus Edison. Kindly acknowledge receipt. Yours truly, A.O. Tate Private Secretary April 7, 1890 Mr. Thos Butler Sec'y N.J. & Pa. Concentrating Wks., #44 Wall St., New York, Dear Sir:- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 8th instant; notifying me of amounts falling due on May 3rd and 17th next on account of my subscription to the Capital Stock of your Company. Yours truly, A.O. Tate