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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB047005], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Massachusetts Electrical Engineers and Mechanics Associationsociation, January 20th, 1891


January 20, 1891.
Frank O. Johnson, Esq., Chairman, 
S. F. Lawton, Esq., Secretary,
Mass. Electrical Engineers and Mechanics Association, Boston, Mass.
Dear Sirs:-
On my return to the Laboratory this morning after a week’s absence in the West, where I was called to attend the funeral of my brother, I find your esteemed favor of 9th instant, inviting me to be present at an entertainment to be given on the 29th of this month by the Mass. Electrical Engineers and Mechanics Association, a majority of the members of which you inform me are employees of the Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Boston.
I appreciate very highly your kindness in extending to me this invitation, but regret that it is impracticable for me to accept it. I very seldom get away from the Laboratory, and just at present my experimental work is so important and urgent that to leave it is out of the question.
I beg to tender you my best wishes for the future success of your Association, and remain
Yours very sincerely,
Thomas A. Edison
