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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB047010], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison General Electric Co, William Edgar Gilmore, January 21st, 1891


January 21, 1891.
W. E. Gilmore, Esq., Ass’t. Gen’l. Manager,
Schenectady Wks., Edison Gen’l. Electric Company, Schenectady, N.Y.
Dear Sir:-
I return herewith bill of the Schenectady Works dated October 31, 1890, against Mr. Edison for $300.68, on account of Labor and material used on 1 Octopole Dynamo and armature. Please read Mr. Insull’s note on the back of same, instructing you to cancel the bill and charge to experimental a/c.
Yours truly,
A. O. Tate
Private Secretary.
