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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB048065], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Jonathan Lewis Young, March 3rd, 1891


March 3, 1891.
My dear Young,-
	I was glad to get your letter of 18th instant, and Mr. Edison asks me to thank you for your communication addressed to him. He says he would be very glad to let you have the phonograph parts that you want if it were in his power to give them. The Edison United Phonograph Co. control everything and will not even permit Mr. Edison to donate phonographs. Therefore we will have to disappoint you. Col. Gouraud is in New York, and I suppose before very long the E.U.P. Co. will commence active operations abroad. I saw Dick a few days ago, and he told me his Mimeograph business was developing wonderfully over here. He is paying 30% dividends and putting aside a good fat surplus in addition. Insull has been away for the last month, visiting the various headquarters of the Edison Gen’l. Electric Co. He returned a day or so ago, and when I see him I will give him your message. With kind regards. 
I am, yours very truly,
(Signed A.O. Tate)
Private Secretary.
