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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[LB048375], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Cambria Steel Co, James J Fronheiser, April 2nd, 1891


April 2, 1891.
Mr. James J. Frenheiser, 
Sup’t. Metallurgical Dep’t., 
Cambria Iron Ce., Johnston, Pa.
Dear Sir:-
Your letter of 23rd ultimo has remained unanswered owing to the absence of Mr. Edison, who only returned to the Laboratory yesterday.
In reply I beg to inform you that Mr. Edison has not yet placed any of his Ore Milling machines on the market; those that have been made thus far he is using himself. Mr. Edison has just completed the erection of a plant at the Ogden Mine in New Jersey; It is now in operation and has a capacity of two thousand tons of crude ore per day.  If you desire it, Mr. Edison will see if he can arrange to have a car load of slag run through the machine. They are turning out at Ogden at the present time about 175 tons of 6% metallic iron, .050 phosphorous, from a 23% ore.
Yours very truly,
(Signed A.O. Tate)
Private Secretary.
